Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Hello everyone, my name is Jonathan Burton. This is my very first blog, and very first blog post, called Surreal Perception. I'll start with a little intro about myself and what I plan to do with this blog.

I am a 19 year old college student studying Game Development. I have a passion for videogames and an eye for adventure. I also enjoy going on hikes and exploring the unknown. The surreal appeals to me a whole lot, and I have various other interests including psychology and mycology.

One of particular thing about the human mind that I find interesting is perception. The perception of one's self and one's own exsistance, as well as the perception of the world outside of one's self. Personally, I find the shift of one's personal perction rather interesting and sometimes rather surreal. Which leads into the name of my blogpost. I am an admirer of the surreal and so my reality, or rather perception of reality, tends to reflect the surreal.

The purpose of this blog is to log and share my adventures and musings about life as well as the videogame industry. I look forward to my future posts.

Jonathan Burton

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